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Guardian Angels

The guardian angel simply has one task that has many facets to lead the human to the Passion and Cross. Embracing the cross is the only way human beings reach heaven. He does this mainly through pricking our conscience so we can follow the will of God.

The Virtue of Compassion

Every virtue has its bogus pretenders. Foolhardiness passes for courage, timidity for prudence, apathy for patience, obsequiousness for courtesy, and credulity for faith. But there is no counterfeit that is more successful in obscuring the genuine article, especially in the present era, than false compassion.

Catholic Classics

Father Cameron has written an intelligible and timely introduction to fourteen Catholic classics on spirituality. In an age that is fast becoming de-Christianized, Camerons book reminds us that in the lives and writings of the saints, we have reliable guides to a complete and holy life even in the most secular of times.

Catholic Social Teaching: John Paul II, Laborem Exercens

Laborem Exercens is a sustained reflection on the meaning of human work, which John Paul considers to be a key, probably the essential key, to the whole social question... In this document he is more interested in looking at social teaching in the light of the concept of work, than in formulating new norms for a changed social situation. As we examine the main points of his reflections we will be able to see more clearly his insights into the meaning of the Churchs social doctrine.

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