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Movie Review: We Were Soldiers

"We Were Soldiers" goes much farther than "Braveheart" in telling the story of a man of faith who lived a martyrs life in the name of duty and honor. In terms of cultural impact, this character is very cool, very smart, with integrity to burn, and very Catholic. We havent seen the best we can be like this up on the screen since "A Man for All Seasons".

Awakening the Moral Imagination: Teaching Virtues Through Fairy Tales

Fairy tale and modern fantasy stories project fantastic other worlds; but they also pay close attention to real moral "laws" of character and virtue. By portraying wonderful and frightening worlds in which ugly beasts are transformed into princes and evil persons are turned to stones and good persons back to flesh, fairy tales remind us of moral truths whose ultimate claims to normativity and permanence we would not think of questioning.

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