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May 3, 2017

Note from the Managing Editor:

They don't require it in Holland or in any of the five U.S. states where euthanasia and assisted suicide is legal, but the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario is demanding that doctors in Ontario be either directly or indirectly involved in the killing of their patients or else forfeit their right to practice medicine in Ontario.

This is a shocking infringement of a medical professional's freedom of conscience and a concern for all of us.  See an overview of this chilling situation here.

The Coalition for Health Care and Conscience is fighting a battle in court to protect the conscience rights of medical professionals.  If successful, this court case will be a precedent-setting protection for the conscience rights of healthcare workers.  They need to raise $120,000 by June.  If you can help, please go here to donate. 

Please see the quote of the week below which gets to the heart of what's at stake. - J. Fraser Field

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"In the depths of his own conscience man detects a law which he does not impose on himself, but which holds him to obedience. Always summoning him to love good and avoid evil, the voice of conscience can when necessary speak to his heart more specifically: "Do this, shun that." For man has in his heart a law written by God. To obey it is the very dignity of man; according to it he will be judged." - Gaudium et Spes

New Resources

Why Jesus washes Our Feet - Pope Benedict XVI - from God and the World: Believing and Living in Our Time

Anyone who is not numbered among the powerful will be thankful whenever he sees someone powerful not helping himself at life's table.

Assurance of a Mother's love - Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. - Magnificat

It has been a year since my mother died.

Emptied Out of Egypt - Father Raymond J. de Souza - Convivium

On Friday, April 28, 2017 Pope Francis and Bartholomew, Patriarch of Constantinople, met in Cairo to address a peace conference hosted by the Al-Azhar mosque and university, sometimes called the "Vatican" of the Sunni Muslim world.

Nurturing children: Why "early learning" doesn't help - Doctor Gordon Neufeld - The Institute of Marriage and Family Canada

Socialization in childrearing means rendering children fit for society so that children can grow and mature into becoming contributing adults, who can respectfully interact with others in community.

Why the Flat Earth Society Matters - Matt Archbold - National Catholic Register

I cheer the non-experts.

50 Catholic Converts - Matthew E. Bunson - National Catholic Register

The Church around the world welcomes thousands of new Catholics at the Easter vigil.

Home Video Picks & Passes - Steven Greydanus - National Catholic Register

Tired of mindless entertainment as usual? Two of the best antidotes imaginable are new on home video.

Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

Rare is the obituary that can match that of Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart (1880-1963) who died as the most decorated soldier in the British Army.

3rd Sunday of Easter - Father John Horgan - CERC

The story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus is familiar to all of us, but there's a depth to it which we may not be aware of.

Editorials of Interest:

Cardinal Sarah and the Innovators - The Catholic Thing
Uncovering Carnage - First Things
The Handmaid's Hysteria - National Review

Editorials of Interest

His Holiness Pope Francis: Why the only future worth building includes everyone - TED

A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that individual can be you, says His Holiness Pope Francis in this searing TED Talk delivered directly from Vatican City.

Pope Francis' TED talk was ridiculous. It was also great. - The Week

The pope's TED talk represents one of the great hopes and bets of his papacies: the fact that the pope is finally heard by people who wouldn't listen to him before.

Cardinal Sarah and the Innovators - The Catholic Thing

Robert Cardinal Sarah recently gave an address that bears the image of a prophetic warning about the nature of the Church's present crisis of faith.

Let's not make a least this deal - Catholic World Report

To restore SSPX clergy to full communion with Rome while letting them cross their fingers behind their backs on religious freedom (and ecumenism) when they make the profession of faith and take the oath of fidelity would, by a bizarre ultra-traditionalist route, enshrine a "right to dissent" within the Church.

Pope Francis and Coptic Pope Tawadros honour 21st-century martyrs - Catholic Herald

'Your sufferings are also our sufferings,' Francis tells Egyptian Christians.

The 'Gay Infertility' Myth - The Stream

Infertility and incompatibility are not the same thing.

The Professor and the Jihadi - NY Times

When a terrorist made a death threat against Gilles Kepel, France's most famous scholar of Islam, it deepened his embroilment in a national debate over Muslim assimilation and extremism.

Uncovering Carnage - First Things

Ending the devastation wrought by opioids in American communities requires us to acknowledge that the crisis exists.

7 Edith Stein quotes every woman should read - Aleteia

"Women comprehend not merely with the intellect but also with the heart."

50 Days to a new you! - Aleteia

That we are "defined by our sins" is a satanic lie. But you still have a journey to make.

Christians in exile: Isn't that where we are supposed to be? - Aleteia

Success in this life is not found in succeeding in this life, but in getting out of this life successfully.

Feminism Has a Ferocity Problem - National Review

Self-appointed women's advocates pressure girls and women into paths they may not be suited for.

Figuring out God's will for you right here, right now - OSV

God's plan can seem hidden at times, but we can identify it through prayerful discernment and free will.

Is His Grace Truly Sufficient — or Not? - The Catholic Thing

What is important, regardless of the problem, is the solid assurance that God's grace is not only sufficient to overcome it but is actually made perfect in the face of any human weakness.

Struggling with a decision? Try this prayer. - Aleteia

Our Lady is especially honored on April 26 for her ability to counsel us in difficulties.

The Jane Addams Model - NY Times

This was not rich serving the poor. It was rich and poor, immigrant and old stock, living and working in reciprocity, and as a byproduct bridging social chasms and coming to understand one another.

There is No Saint of the Broken Hearted - Catholic Stand

Why is there a saint for toothaches, bad storms, and mice infestations, but not for the most anguishing of human conditions, a broken heart?

Procreation: Still the Primary End of Marriage - Crisis Magazine

The primary end of marriage is the procreation and education of children; its secondary end is mutual help and the allaying of concupiscence.

The Handmaid's Hysteria - National Review

No, the Hulu series based on Margaret Atwood's dystopian fiction is not a documentary.

What C.S. Lewis can teach us about true love - For Her

What do we mean by love? C. S. Lewis contemplated the question during his lifetime, and penned his classic The Four Loves in response to his search for the answer.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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