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July 15, 2015

Note from the Assistant Editor:

Twentieth-century theologian Romano Guardini has influenced our last two popes: he is the third most-cited source in Laudato Si' and was quoted by Benedict XVI in his last papal speech.  In "Born in the Spirit," Guardini reflects on the limits of man — that we must always be ourselves, even while we long for complete union with another.  The love of Christ breaks that barrier.

Anthony Esolen writes on the last of the Founding Fathers, Charles Carroll, who risked all — "his immense fortune, the largest in America, and his life" — for freedom.  In our current political climate, his legacy is even more meaningful.  See "How the Church Has Changed the World: Forgotten Father."

What constitutes a moral or immoral film?  In "Redeeming Shawshank," Fr. Dwight Longenecker argues that "a film is not immoral simply because it features nudity or violence."  Rather, the deciding factor is truth.  And when truth "is embedded in the story it goes straight to the heart" — making art "a more powerful tool of evangelization than intellectual treatises which may merely convince the intellect."

The first question I was asked in Western Civilization at Ave Maria University was whether civilizations were products of circumstances or people.  In a defence of now-disappearing Western Civ. courses, Rodney Stark argues that modernity would not have developed without the right people.  "Explanations should not — cannot — rest primarily on material conditions and forces.  It is ideas that matter."  See "How the West Won — but 'Western Civ' Lost." - Meaghen Hale

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"He who prays well, lives well, he who lives well dies well, and he who dies well, all is well." - Saint Augustine

New Resources

Born in the Spirit - Romano Guardini - from The Lord

Christ in man draws man into himself.

How The Church Has Changed the World: Forgotten Father - Anthony Esolen - Magnificat

There's much to say about Charles Carroll's contributions to America as statesman and senator and much to admire about this man's amiable and noble character.

Redeeming Shawshank - Father Dwight Longenecker - The Imaginative Conservative

The Shawshank Redemption is an excellent example of how positive themes properly permeate a work of art.

How the West Won — but "Western Civ" Lost - Rodney Stark - Intercollegiate Review

It's remarkably unfashionable to study — or even talk about — the West these days.

Ecclesiae Pro Pauperibus - Duncan G. Stroik - Sacred Architecture

We all know that the poor need food and clothing, decent education and good jobs. But what about their spiritual and cultural needs?

Infallible?  Are You Sure? - Graham Osborne - B.C. Catholic

Q:  How can the Pope be infallible, as the Catholic Church claims?  He is just a man.  Wouldn't he have to be God to be truly infallible?

The Nonessential as Essential - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

In our part of Manhattan there is no summer slowdown, and if there is demographic slack, any void is filled by the large number of tourists.

The 15th Sunday in OT - Father John Horgan - CERC

The work of the apostles.

Editorials of Interest:

Critics of the Benedict Option - The American Conservative
The Francis Option - NC Register
Acropolis Now - America Magazine

Editorials of Interest

Pope says he wasn't offended by 'communist crucifix' - Associated Press

After taking into consideration the time in which he lived, Francis said: "I understand this work. For me it wasn't an offense."

Yes, Virginia, Pope Francis has a strategy underneath the rhetoric - Crux

Bergoglio wrote that Latin America can lead the way towards a "third position" between Communism and free-market capitalism.

Church leaders: Syrian tragedy is a third world war - Catholic Herald

The region is 'bleeding' Christians as large numbers flee Syria and Lebanon.

Charleston and the Confederate Flag: Part One - The American Interest

Nothing is more exceptional about American history than the way that the African American church has helped make us a nation that is better, happier, and more united than we have any right to expect.

Justice Thomas, Marriage, and the Question of Dignity - Catholic World Report

Advocates claim that dignity demands that the state recognize same-sex unions as marriage. Are they right?

The Courage of Small Things - NY Times

We work hard to cram our lives into legible narratives. But we live in the fog of reality.

Critics of the Benedict Option - The American Conservative

Rod Dreher answers the critics of the Benedict Option by interviewing himself.

The Francis Option - NC Register

St. Benedict preserved the light of Christ by building a shelter for it to grow into a roaring fire and inviting people to gather around its warmth; St. Francis preserved the light by kindling small flames everywhere.

Christianity "Found Difficult and Left Untried" - Catholic Stand

We should recall the humility of the Egyptian monk who, when his fellow monk was expelled from the sanctuary for unchastity, left the church with him, explaining, "I'm a sinner, too."

Maria Goretti didn't die for her virginity - Patheos

It's always about our love for other people.

Acropolis Now - America Magazine

The Greek referendum result, much more decisive that anyone dared to predict, is a dramatic watershed moment in European political history and in the history of the European project.

Australia's bishops reaffirm marriage — and get reported to government - CNA

After a recent pastoral letter on marriage, a bishop has countered a leading same-sex marriage activist who said the letter should be reported to the Tasmanian government for illegal bias.

Burying Christians Under ISIS Guns - The Daily Beast

Many thousands of Christians have fled Iraq, but some are brought back when they die so their community's ties to the place and its history are not lost forever.

Drones deliver abortion pills to women in Poland - LifeNews

The first so-called abortion drone has delivered the dangerous abortion pill to Poland in violation of its pro-life laws protecting unborn babies.

Under Francis, there's a new dogma: Papal fallibility - Crux

During a 65-minute session with reporters, Francis embraced his own fallibility at least seven times.

Putin's party unveils Russian 'straight pride' flag - Newsweek

Homosexuality is not illegal in Russia. However, it is illegal to use symbols which could be considered "propaganda" promoting "non traditional" values.

Seahawk QB Russell Wilson Talks God, All the Media Hears Is 'No Sex' - Patheos

Becoming a disciple of Christ didn't solve all Wilson's problems, but it has inspired him to speak boldly about his faith.

The Crisis of Contemporary Sacred Art - Crisis Magazine

The low state of sacred art is due in part to the limited number of sacred commissions, the fees we are willing to pay artists, and our unwillingness to take responsibility for the arts.

Culture-war vertigo? Free-solo fear? Mind the rock. - Dominicana

God does not command the impossible. What he has begun in us, he himself will bring to completion.

Ten Things to Remember if You're Worried About Persecution - Patheos

It's understandable if you're feeling nervous about possible persecution.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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