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September 6, 2023
After our August break, we are back into the swing of things at CERC. An important read this week is The Pillar's 'Everything is lost for them' - A humanitarian crisis for Armenians, an interview with Bishop Mikaël Mouradian, the diocesan bishop for the Armenian Catholics of the United States and Canada.

Here is one of the powerful stories he tells.

"Once, I went to visit the village of Sucwalizi, in southern Georgia.

"When I arrived at the village, people were waiting for me, on the road, at least one mile outside the village. They had been waiting to see a priest, after 70 years of having no priest in their village.

"They had green branches in their hands, and they walked alongside my car while I was driving to the church of their village. They were singing hymns to the Holy Virgin Mary, hymns that they were learned by secret from generation to generation during the Soviet Union.

"I had tears in my eyes, because I was thinking, 'Who am I that, like Jesus, people are welcoming me with these green branches?'

"But they were waiting because it was something special to have a priest finally again in their village. And I am humbled even now by that.

"I learned about people who, for so many years, were baptizing their kids in secret at home, because they couldn't bring a priest in—and teaching these children the Our Father, to keep the faith alive.

"This is the faith of the Armenian people, who are now so threatened today."

Read the full interview here. God bless you all this week! - Meaghen Gonzalez
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