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September 13, 2023
Note from the Managing Editor
Sometimes—often, we need a bit of hope. Our reprints this week are chock-full of that good stuff, and what it all comes down to is this.
We can choose to believe, to trust, and to keep on loving no matter what.

To say of those suffering 'what else were they to do?' is to miss the truth. Those of whom I speak made a choice they did not have to make.

They chose to open their hands, to open their eyes, and to open their hearts. Even as it seemed a knife was being driven in further. And they said in effect:

'This does not change what I've always known to be so.'

'It is all gift.'

'We are so blessed.'
This is from John Cuddeback's One Possible Reason God 'Lets' It Happen. And there's just more good stuff from there. Check it out below.

God bless you all this week! - Meaghen Gonzalez, Editor

Virgem Dolorosa by Pedro Américo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
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  "Obedience is a short cut to perfection." - St. Philip Neri  
New Resources
One in Christ, One in Love
Caryll Houselander, Lift up Your Hearts
There is one characteristic of this generation that is wholly good.
One Possible Reason God 'Lets' It Happen
John Cuddeback, LifeCraft
We all need to face it at some time, perhaps even many times. "Why did God let this happen?"
Sober Inebriation
Fr. Paul D. Scalia, The Catholic Thing
Poor Saint Peter. The first pope's first Urbi et Orbi address (so to speak) begins inauspiciously. He had to start, not with a bold proclamation of Christ, but with assurances that the disciples weren't actually drunk.
Responding to anti-Catholic hatred in a rage-filled culture
Susan Ciancio, CWR
St. Philip Neri's example is something we desperately need in today's world, for our world is much like the Rome of his time.
Caravaggio's Road to Damascus
Brad Miner, The Catholic Thing
It's the Year of Our Lord 34, and Saul is on his way to Damascus to persecute "the Way," as Luke puts it in Acts 9. Then—all of a sudden—BOOM!
How I learned to go without good feelings in prayer
Fr. Alex Wyvill, Aleteia
A picnic table at Grandma's house ended up being a test of my faith.
Editorials of Interest
Throwing troubles at the cross
Angelus News
Back in 2000, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I went right away to a trusted LA priest.
St. Alphonsus Liguori Warns: God Sees Scandalous Priests as a Bear Sees Threats to Her Cubs
NC Register
The bad example of priests, says the doctor of the Church, 'robs Jesus Christ of souls redeemed by his blood.'
VIDEO: The Remarkable Evidence of a Transcendent Soul
Napa Institute
Fr. Robert Spitzer discusses life after death.
A man, his wife, and her mantilla
Angelus News
The mantilla is the shelter the bride offers her husband from the sun and biting wind, and from the restless roughness of the world.
Rediscovering authentic womanhood and motherhood is the future of feminism
In her provocative new book, The End of Woman, expert author Carrie Gress challenges the impact of feminism.
Experts speculate on why marriage is declining—and what to do about it
"We're not going to have healthy families if we wait six months before the wedding date to talk about marriages."
The Secret Sisterhood of Widows
NC Register
Like so many other widows, I've learned over the years that our suffering can become a balm for others who are facing that same reality.
Critics warn California bill protecting school officials would punish parents who speak out at board meetings
Fox News
Legal expert says SB 596 could punish parents for sending two emails that cause a school board official to 'mentally suffer.'
"Housing First" Policy Is Not Helping the Homeless
The Public Discourse
It takes excruciating self-loathing for a person to defecate on public sidewalks, shoot up with poisonous drugs, engage in rampant criminality. The mental illness and dissipation is sometimes so profound that many of these poor people die on the streets. Providing housing vouchers alone simply doesn't cut it.
Failure to stand up for the babies results in more dead babies
How society views the unborn reveals the essential beliefs and priorities of a culture.
Pro-life pushback prevents all-trimester abortion facility from opening
Live Action
Following pushback from pro-life organizations and individuals, including Live Action, an all-trimester abortion facility preparing to open in Beverly Hills, California, this fall has lost its lease agreement.
Next Time You're Sparring With A Leftist, Try Asking A Question
The Federalist
Conservatives cornered in spaces of conformist ideology would do well to master the powerful rhetorical weapon of Socrates.
Nuns Grew Herbs For Centuries. Those Polish Sisters Want To Revive An Ancient Tradition.
In the tiny village of Biala Nizna in southern Poland, hidden between picturesque hills of the Beskidy mountains, the Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Province run the Herbarium of St. Dominic.
The Secret Catholic Code of Cistercian Numerals
NC Register
This ingenious notation system was introduced by John of Basingstoke, archdeacon of Leicester, in the 13th century.
VIDEO: Feminism is not what you think it is with Carrie Gress
Today Erika is joined by author Carrie Gress of Theology of Home fame to talk about her latest work: The End Of Woman.
VIDEO: The Heart of Nuba Trailer
Rotten Tomatoes Indie
Welcome to the war-torn Nuba Mountains of Sudan, where American Doctor Tom Catena selflessly and courageously serves the needs of a forgotten people.
St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
and St. Justin Martyr, pray for us.
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