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September 20, 2023
If there is a theme in our reprints this week, it's that life is hard, and living well is hard, but great graces and inspirational courage abound.

Brendan Kelly was a young boy with Downs Syndrome who loved and cared for other sick children while he himself battled leukemia.

Matthew McDonald interviews several couples who have benefited from The Alexander House, "a nonprofit organization in San Antonio, Texas, founded in 1999 that uses Catholic principles to help couples repair troubled marriages." ("God, you know how I hate this man," said one wife.)

And John Cuddeback discusses the effort required to teach our children how to engage in "real" play.

God bless you all this week! - Meaghen Gonzalez, Editor
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  "Faith is what someone knows to be true, whether they believe it or not." - Flannery O'Connor  
New Resources
The Mother Who Leads Us to Life, Not Death
Fr. Paul Scalia, That Nothing May Be Lost
Any serious musician would treasure an ear with perfect pitch—that is, the ability to discern perfectly the accuracy of a musical note.
Brendan Had Three Babies
Austin Ruse, Crisis Magazine
A boy with Down Syndrome and leukemia who died at the age of 16 has left an amazing legacy.
You Do Belong Here
Robert Royal, The Catholic Thing
We're quite prone, in these days of political hysteria and fragility, to blow up discrete incidents—sensationally circulated on social media—into cosmic proportions.
The Pelvic Divide: Anatomy, ideology, and pseudo-science
William Kilpatrick, Catholic World Report
You can argue about whether God designed the pelvis this way or whether nature did, but it is an anatomical fact that children should know. It's a fact that gives children an objective basis on which to discern who's telling the truth about gender and who is not.
How to Save a Troubled Marriage: Advice From Couples Who Have Been Beyond the Brink
Matthew McDonald, National Catholic Register
Husbands and wives reflect on how 'Love ... bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things' (1 Cor 13:4; 7).
Good Playing: For Their Sake and Ours
John Cuddeback, LifeCraft
Robert Louis Stevenson's wonderful verses often capture more than meets the eye.
Editorials of Interest
A Happy Birthday to Our Lady
The Catholic Thing
We know, for a fact, that every devout Jewish woman dreamed of being the mother of the Messiah, or at least of giving birth to a daughter who would be.
Let Me Go Back and Try Again
One life on this earth is not enough to satisfy the hunger that we have to serve Christ in all the ways that are open to us.
The magnanimous faith of J.R.R. Tolkien
The author of The Lord of the Rings wasn't bigoted; he was big-hearted. Our culture could learn a lesson from him about how to hold firm convictions while having broad sympathies.
To Defend True Freedom, We Need to Know the Truth
To ensure that the future of freedom is bright, I offer three suggestions.
The Answer To Closing Education Gaps Is Not Race Or Wealth, But Family Values
The Federalist
Policymakers and educators should ask: Are there observable practices among Asian students that could apply more broadly?
Hope and Opportunity for Formerly Incarcerated Women
Acton Institute
The Lovelady Center in Alabama is proving a model for care when it comes to women released from prison. Faith-based and holistic, it is showing results and providing hope in ways government-run agencies simply cannot.
Waffles for the Soul: How Home-Schooling Moms Are Using Liturgical Living to Teach Their Kids the Faith
NC Register
The Church, of course, teaches that parents are the primary educators of their children.
How to Be at Peace With Your Decision-Making
"We shall never learn to know ourselves except by endeavoring to know God; for, beholding his greatness, we realize our own littleness; his purity shows us our foulness; and by meditating upon his humility we find how very far we are from being humble" (St. Teresa of Ávila).
Genius Mind of Leonardo da Vinci Is Now on Display in Largest Online Archive
My Modern Met
Explore Leonardo da Vinci's codices (sketches and recordings of his many brilliant thoughts) through this collaboration of AI technology and human scholarship.
The Italian Bells That Survived Nazis, Fires, and Even the Medieval Ages
Atlas Obscura
One family has been making bells for over 1,000 years—and now wants to send them to the Moon.
VIDEO: Forgive Like Christ
Pints With Aquinas
Fr. Pine talks about the theology of forgiveness then gives some practical steps we can take to be better at forgiving.
The Endow Podcast
The Endow Podcast is a forum for women to foster conversations about the intellectual life and intentional community for the cultivation of the feminine genius.
St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
and St. Justin Martyr, pray for us.
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