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October 11, 2023
In Rebellion, Not Retreat Aaron Kheriaty posits a solution for our current totalitarianism.

"Every totalitarian regime first monopolizes what counts as rationality and determines what questions you are allowed to ask. ... The totalitarian method of imposing unity on an entire population: perfect integration through perfect fragmentation."

The solution is "building small-scale institutions of civil society ... that are capable of supplementing the generally beneficial and necessary functions that are missing in the existing structures, and where possible, to use those existing structures, to humanize them."

And then to make so many of these small-scale institutions that "while it could crush any one institution at any time, there would eventually be too many such institutions for the state to target them all simultaneously."

We have our work cut out for us. With prayers for each of you, and for peace. - Meaghen Gonzalez, Editor

"Delphic Sibyl" (detail), Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo. HumanSeeHumanDo, Flickr, CC BY 20.
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  "Obedience. The most thrilling word in the world; a very thunderclap of a word. Why do these fools fancy that the soul is only free when it disagrees with the common command? Even the mobs who rise to burn and destroy owe all their grandeur and terror, and a sort of authority, not to their anger, but to their agreement. Why should mere disagreement make us feel free?" - G.K. Chesterton  
New Resources
"I desire mercy"
Fr. Donald Haggerty, Conversion
A persistent feeling of guilt for past failures even after repentance keeps some people permanently oppressed in soul, always drawing back at the marred look and disfigurement they see in their own faces.
Rebellion, Not Retreat
Aaron Kheriaty, The American Mind
Blueprints for flourishing in the midst of a decaying civilization.
Discipline and Doctrine: Law in the Service of Truth and Love (Part I)
Cardinal Raymond Burke,
In the period immediately preceding the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and, even more so, in the post-Conciliar period, the Church's canonical discipline was called into question at its very foundations.
The Courage to Live Sunday as a Christian
Fr. Roger Landry, NC Register
In an age that prioritizes mammon over God, how many Christians will take up that courage?
How the Apostles Spoke of the Beauty of Christ
James Matthew Wilson, The Catholic Thing
One of the most frequently quoted passages from Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's many writings is his famous assertion that the "only really effective apologia for Christianity comes down to two arguments, namely the saints the Church has produced and the art which has grown in her womb."
Remembering the Dead, One Year Later
John Cuddeback, LifeCraft
How we remember the dead is significant in how we live.
Editorials of Interest
Statement of U.S. Bishops' International Justice and Peace Chairman Amidst Violence in the Holy Land
"On October 7, the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, the world watched the operation launched from Gaza and the rapid call to arms from Israel that ensued."
The Suffering Centurions
Between the Paws
I had a thought the other day for a new club: The Suffering Centurions. When a friend is undergoing some very difficult trial, the Centurion volunteers to put a penny in their shoe for 100 days.
When Being Affirming Isn't Loving
First Things
Two events of the last week witness to a significant shift in the times in which we live.
Cardinal Burke Publishes Book on Greater Reverence for the Eucharist
NC Register
Widespread reception of Communion with insufficient worthiness 'concerns me greatly,' says the prefect emeritus of the Apostolic Signatura.
Why Do Catholics Pray With Candles?
Live Your Faith
Candles play an important role in the Catholic Church and their origins go back centuries.
When Newman Left Oxford
First Things
While I was in Oxford, I tried to enter into the spirit of the place as it must have been experienced by St. John Henry Newman in 1842.
7 Things You Didn't Know About J.R.R. Tolkien's Catholic Faith
NC Register
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Harvard's Horror
City Journal
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Ahead of major abortion vote, thousands to descend on Ohio's capital for March for Life
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The Theology of Transgenderism
The Catholic Thing
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Where Have All The Good Women Gone?
The Federalist
Barbie's new Stevie Nicks doll illustrates how feminism destroyed the female virtues of patience, loyalty, and compassion.
5 Ways Fathers Hugely Influence Their Daughters
Art of Manliness
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Exploring the Happiness Premium for Ever-Married Men
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How can family bring out the worst in us?
Leo Tolstoy got something half right. But there's more to the story.
To Be A Sacred Space
Hearth and Field
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Replica of "Peter's Boat" installed in Vatican Museums
While not expressly believed to be the boat that carried St. Peter and the Apostles, it is the same type of vessel and was dated firmly within the time period of Christ.
St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
and St. Justin Martyr, pray for us.
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